A North Dakota landscape

Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting our website. Apex National (“Bank”) maintains this site to provide information about us and our products and services. Before using this site, please read these terms of use as well as our privacy policy. By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. 
All Rights Reserved. The information, materials, and other content contained in the site may not be copied, displayed, distributed, downloaded, licensed, modified, published, reposted, reproduced, reused, sold, transmitted, used to create a derivative work or otherwise used for public or commercial purposes without the express written consent of the Bank.
No Warranty. We will use reasonable efforts to ensure that all information displayed is accurate. However, the Bank does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, timeliness or completeness of the information, materials, products and services on this site and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in this information, materials, products and services. No warranty or representation of any kind, expressed, implied or statutory including without limitation warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, suitability, title, fitness for a particular purpose and the ability to use the site without contracting a computer virus is given in conjunction with the information, materials, products and services. 
Limitation of Liability. The Bank is not liable for any loss, damage, or liability including without limitation direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential loss, damage, or liability in any arising out of or connected with your access to or use of this site. This limitation includes, but is not limited to your use of or inability to use the information, materials, products, or services on the site or in connection with any failure of performance or equipment, transmission, omission, interruption, defect, delay, computer virus or any malicious or disabling code, even if the Bank is advised of the possibility of such damage or loss. 
Third Party Links. The Bank places links to other websites on its site. Your use of such links is at your own risk. The Bank is not responsible for the content, terms of use, privacy policies, business practices, products or services on third party sites. 
Changes to Terms. This agreement is subject to change. Changes to these terms will be made to the site. You agree to be subject to this agreement as it changes. 
Applicable Law. Your use of this site is governed by all applicable federal law and those of the State of North Dakota.